Trending Now - Father Publicly Disowns White Nationalist Son, Explains His Decision In Powerful Letter
The small town of Charlottesville, Virginia, is making international headlines after a right-wing multi-group protest scheduled for August 11th turned shockingly violent. A Fargo, North Dakota man named Pearce Tefft has bravely stepped forward to denounce and disown his son, who identifies as a white nationalist and marched at the fateful Unite the Right rally. “Peter Tefft, my son, is not welcome at our family gatherings any longer,” he writes in a powerful open letter published on August 14th.
The Tefft family announcement comes just 6 months after Peter was labelled by locals in his hometown as a ‘Nazi,’ following the discovery of disturbing Nazi Germany-related content he had shared on social media. Though Tefft has refused the title and prefers to be known as a “pro-White activist,” his father admits in his letter that Peter has made jokes about throwing non-Fascists “into an oven.” Pearce Tefft, a liberal Democrat, maintains that his wayward son did not learn this discriminatory behaviour at home, and that the entire family rejects his actions and beliefs.
The Charlottesville protests, which Peter traveled from North Dakota to attend, escalated into chaos after a man associated with the neo-Nazi movement rammed into a crowd of pedestrians with his car, killing a 32-year-old woman named Heather Heyer. The rallies were triggered by plans to remove Confederate monuments from public spaces in Charlottesville, and have spurred new conversations about interracial conflict in the USA.
Read Pearce Tefft’s poignant letter below, and tell us what you think at the end.
More info: InForum