Trending Now - 18+ Photos That Prove Depression Has No Face

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and throughout the last few weeks, Instagram has become flooded by empowering survival stories. A new hashtag, #faceofdepression, is adding an important layer of depth to the widespread conversation, and it’s one we simply can’t ignore.

What does a depressed person look like? What does someone with suicidal thoughts look like? Many of us would probably picture a crumpled up, crying shell of a person on a bathroom floor. The reality that #faceofdepression is trying to explain, however, is that people struggling with mental health issues often hide it in their everyday lives – meaning that they look like just about any other person you’d pass on the street.

One of the most touching contributions to the campaign was a video recently shared by Talinda Bentley, widow of Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington, showing him laughing and smiling just 36 hours before his tragic suicide. Don’t take everything at ‘face’ value. If you think or know someone is struggling, ask the hard questions before it’s too late.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24/7 if you or someone you know needs urgent help. Call 1-800-273-8255 or go to their official website to live chat with a counselor.

Face Of Depression

Image credits: selfloveclubb

Face Of Depression

Image credits: selfloveclubb

Face Of Depression

Image credits: selfloveclubb

Face Of Depression

Image credits: selfloveclubb

Face Of Depression

My #faceofdepression and yes it is possible to be depressed with a child.

Hearing, “You don’t have a reason to be depressed with her around” doesn’t do shit but make me feel worse about myself

Being told, “All you need is exercise and a good diet” just makes me want to throat punch you even though you’re coming from a good place

Depression keeps you from doing things you want to do because it’s literally a chemical imbalance in your brain.

Image credits: Brittany Schroeder

Face Of Depression

Image credits: scarlett_okera

Face Of Depression

Image credits: chrissiebm

Face Of Depression

Image credits: f0reveruam

Face Of Depression

Image credits: chrissiebm

Face Of Depression

Image credits: kmhj

Face Of Depression

Image credits: cheerfulchelsea93

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Image credits: alice_emma_louise

Face Of Depression

Image credits: jessica.woodard.sowards

Face Of Depression

Image credits: the_lip_lounge

Face Of Depression

Currently at the doctor seeking help, most have no idea what I’m going through and that I cry in the shower or in the car on my way home from work or can’t sleep at night because of panic attacks

Image credits: Amy Kramer

Face Of Depression

GAD and depression for probably two decades. My childhood nickname was “smiley”. My positive attitude gets remarked on often. My brain still fires weird regardless.

Image credits: Sarah Howard

Face Of Depression

I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for years and years. I started experiencing symptoms around 12 and wasn’t diagnosed or treated until I was 25. (Early on docs told me I didn’t seem depressed.) Once my kiddo was born, my postpartum depression fused with my everyday depression and I almost lost it. It was my dream to be a happy SAHP, and even though I stayed home for over a year, I felt worse and worse every day. It took all of my energy to make sure my baby was taken care of. I developed severe sleep apnea, gained a lot of weight, and couldn’t function outside of my parental duties.

Image credits: Jules Whitney

Face Of Depression

The face of depression. Sometimes it looks optimistic. Sometimes it doesn’t. And having a smart, beautiful child doesn’t mean those feelings don’t exist or that they’re not valid. She loves me on my good days and my bad days.

Image credits: Jordan Pauline Cain

Face Of Depression

Major Depression & PPD here. 3 weeks pp with #2 & going to the doctor is helping. Most times I feel like I’m drowning but last couple of days it’s been easier. Sometimes just talking about it can be cathartic. PLEASE seek help if you need it. It’s not failure. Sometimes you just need a little more time to get your shit together and that’s ok, because being a functional parent is hard fucking work.

Image credits: Codi Natelli

Face Of Depression

Bipolar disorder here,(with a heavy emphasis on the depression side)…I get up, put on a full face of makeup, wear a fun dress, all while struggling with depression, anxiety and sometimes suicidal thoughts..

Image credits: Stephanie Malanowski- Martin

Face Of Depression

Image credits: Sara Louise

Face Of Depression

You can’t tell can you? You can’t tell by the look in my eyes or the sound of my voice even. You’re thinking “You’re smiling though!”

Yes. Yes, I am smiling. I smiled for you. I smiled so I don’t make you feel bad. I don’t want you to feel like I do. I also don’t want you to feel like there is something you can do to make me “feel better”.

There isn’t anything anyone can do. I have to work through it on my own. The worst part is that this bout snuck up on me. I recognize the familiarity of it all though.

So tired
Everything is loud
Everything is annoying
I have no patience
I want to be left alone
I want to stay in bed
I don’t want to work out
I want to eat everything without cooking anything

The best part is that I haven’t felt like this in a very long time AND that I recognize it for what is. I’m the one who bakes and does crafts. You see that on the outside but you don’t see the darkness inside.

For those that are also suffering….PLEASE SEEK HELP. Treatment is different for each person. Do what is best for you. I’m doing what works for me while I get back to Monique. So for now – I smile, and let people know I’m struggling.

Image credits: Monique Holley-Peak

Face Of Depression

Every morning you are faced with two choices: You can aimlessly stumble through the day not knowing what’s going to happen and worry about it OR You can go through the day directing your own life and making your own decisions and destiny. Though I struggle with depression daily I still stand strong and trust God to keep going.

Image credits: LuLaRoe Lynn Gorby

Face Of Depression

Image credits: my_mh_journey

Face Of Depression

Image credits: selfloveclubb

Face Of Depression

Image credits: my_mh_journey

Face Of Depression

This is depression in our home. I tried to hang myself in my attic when the board broke and I broke thru the ceiling alerting my family. I fight every day. My husband tries his best but can’t break through. I don’t understand it. I don’t know why I can’t get rid of it. I have a wonderful family. I feel selfish, lost, sick and angry at myself. My brain has always been a little scrambled and I’ve fought just to make it thru school, I can’t keep a job. I can’t stay in task long enough or I take too long. I leave before I get fired. It’s hard to feel worthless and I hate feeling like a burden to my family. I have so much pain inside. I’m in therapy I have meds. All I know is even though I feel like suicide would make life easier for my family, I also feel like if I could just get my head fixed and could be someone worthy, I really would like to stay around. I have been trying for so long I don’t know if it’s gonna happen for me. Today I am here. We will see how tomorrow goes tomorrow. I take it day for day and some times hour by hour. Sometimes i think If I can get through one more hour I’ll go to bed and I’ll sleep til tomorrow and see how it goes. Today has been ok. I’m trying to find something good today to give hope for tomorrow. Today I try.

Image credits: Zoe Vanmeter

Face Of Depression

This is my boyfriend two weeks before hanging himself. Will never understand it…

Image credits: Agnieszka Ostrowska

Face Of Depression

This is my son , right before going to his computer to look up how to properly hang himself. Two days later he followed through.

Image credits: Tasha Bernstein Collins

Face Of Depression

My daughter as well. The night before she ended up in the hospital they went to the daddy daughter dance and had an amazing time. Thankfully she’s still alive today and learning to beat her illness. She was 8 at the time

Image credits: Rayna Gawel

Face Of Depression

This is what depression looked like not long before we lost our beloved Luke. Depression is a SERIOUS illness. Don’t dismiss people who are hurting.

Image credits: Lisa Althoff

Face Of Depression

Image credits: rachelmariepete

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