Trending Now - 22+ Funny Parenting Hacks From Twitter Moms And Dads You Won’t Know How You Lived Without
Hey parents! How many times have you found yourself surrounded by infant-induced chaos and thought to yourself, there has got to be an easier way?
Well today is your lucky day. We here at Bored Panda have got your back, having scoured the internet for the very best, most useful and creative parenting hacks. Sourced from bona fide moms and dads, stressed out to the max for optimal creativity, these tips and tricks are guaranteed to make raising your clan a little easier (or at least get a few giggles along the way).
Check out the list below to vote for your favorite, and feel free to share your own tips in the comments. Happy parenting!
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Image credits: AnnieMcCarren
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Image credits: Six_Pack_Mom
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Image credits: DadandBuried
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Image credits: TVRav
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Image credits: LindaInDisguise
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Image credits: UnfilteredMama
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Image credits: TheAlexNevil
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Image credits: WendiAarons
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Image credits: FatherWithTwins
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Image credits: DadandBuried
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Image credits: Faux_Ma
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Image credits: Keris
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Image credits: Momzilla111
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Image credits: MaryWiddicks
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Image credits: ValeeGrrl
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Image credits: Momzilla111
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Image credits: WalkingOutside
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Image credits: DesignerDaddy
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Image credits: aubreyhunterrr
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Image credits: maerlyn99
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Image credits: FatherWithTwins
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Image credits: lunchboxdad
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Image credits: kaitlyn_dollens
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Image credits: katiestrong
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Image credits: Momzilla111
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Image credits: ixix82
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Image credits: WalkingOutside
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Image credits: PerfectPending
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Image credits: KaNicNac
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Image credits: daddydoinwork
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Image credits: TheAlexNevil
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Image credits: Jenn_H_Scott