Trending Now - 40+ Hilarious Posts About Procrastination That Are Painfully Relatable

Do you pick up the phone and call your grandmother without a second thought? Do you clean your room without waiting for it to first turn into an inhabitable toxic wasteland? Do you write all of your essays with plenty of time to spare? Then it sounds like Marvel might have found a new superhero, because very few people have the strength to resist the persuasive powers of procrastination.

As you can see from this hilarious list of tweets compiled by Bored Panda, procrastination is, for most of us mere mortals, an unfortunate yet inevitable part of our existence. Are you a master procrastinator? Let us know in the comments below! Whenever you find the time that is…

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Image credits: raywththegauge_

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Image credits: Sam_______Adams

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Image credits: danessahope

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Image credits: ohevdawg

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Image credits: diegolvnas

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Image credits: liars_never_win

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Image credits: SkittleWater

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Image credits: thevampsgabbyyy

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Image credits: StudentProblems

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Image credits: NCS

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Image credits: GirIfessions

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Image credits: gailyrabs

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Image credits: aardvarsk

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Image credits: biancaadamo

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Image credits: tarashoe

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Image credits: SortaBad

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Image credits: sxphiejeffery

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Image credits: scottwesierski

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Image credits: thisisjendoll

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Image credits: mrsjohngoodman

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Image credits: ellaceron

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Image credits: skullmandible

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Image credits: incredibleviews

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Image credits: CarriePotter_

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Image credits: IBProblemss

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Image credits: antistraights

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Image credits: DanaSchwartzzz

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Image credits: TomFletcher

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Image credits: funnysayings

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Image credits: evilflonne

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Image credits: mcsassymd

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Image credits: BlackSheep_UCSB

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Image credits: GrillinChillin9

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Image credits: diegolvnas

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Image credits: jgonzales120

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Image credits: mmercy_g

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Image credits: jasperrolls

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Image credits: sapphicsmizzy

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Image credits: xchloelloyd

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Image credits: langitau_k

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Image credits: NhaQuyenNguyen

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Image credits: sarahmcgbeauty

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Image credits: AcademicsSay

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Image credits: CollegeGirIProb

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Image credits: ComedyOrTruth

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Image credits: FactsOfSchool

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Image credits: kcatwalk1

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Image credits: TheFunnyTeens

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Image credits: RoshedeJaleel

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Image credits: ThatsSarcasm

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Image credits: ThinkSarcasm

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Image credits: ComedyOrTruth

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Image credits: yungslb

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Image credits: Mehe_

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Image credits: brookedryak

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Image credits: nsrlovee

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Image credits: shadesof666

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Image credits: paulweaver97

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Image credits: isabellalvna

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Image credits: jessijohnson018

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Image credits: hazpoz

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Image credits: MaggieWestphal

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Image credits: primawesome

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Image credits: chillaryshah

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Image credits: lilchovie

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Image credits: ThinkSarcasm

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Image credits: shancombss

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Image credits: haun_dynasty

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Image credits: LaziestCanine

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Image credits: Michaella_15

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Image credits: blondyneczka

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Image credits: abbytessi

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Image credits: Vallvelezz

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Image credits: FreshUonline

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Image credits: NephilimUpdates

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Image credits: FussyProfessor

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Image credits: darthjan

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Image credits: TheSafestSpace

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Image credits: talinolu

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Image credits: alainamlinson

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Image credits: SAVAGEKERMlT

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Image credits: LOG_arhythm

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Image credits: TheMarinaOfUs

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Image credits: NigmaNoname

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Image credits: Flamingfolaring

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Image credits: PlayedInReverse

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Image credits: er0b

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Image credits: caraccoon

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Image credits: LivNastyy

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Image credits: MickoChadLee

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Image credits: island_gyuhl

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Image credits: fjscanada

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Image credits: savvysuzee

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Image credits: Sahimun

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Image credits: LifeOfDT_

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Image credits: annettewolfies

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Image credits: stephaniejagoe_

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Image credits: YouFunnyMike

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Image credits: MatthewClausen_

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Image credits: TimeCommander

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Image credits: CalvinOBeirne

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Image credits: uctjustkidding

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Image credits: damnitdesi

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Image credits: dreahwalshh

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Image credits: EboniDevil

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Image credits: Sockadelic

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Image credits: angieelombard

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Image credits: kelseyyjoann

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Image credits: skylar_perkins

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Image credits: FeeHutch

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Image credits: vishalnagota

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Image credits: mcmspark

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Image credits: leleballinger

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