Trending Now - 40+ Of The Funniest Reactions To New iPhone X That Apple Fans Probably Won’t Like

Just a year after the hotly anticipated release of the iPhone 7, Apple came forward yesterday to reveal the bold new iPhone X. Hours later, the Internet buried it under a concrete slab of memes. Isn’t that what we do best?

The sleek, all-screen device is being lauded by tech blogs for its seemingly groundbreaking features – most notably advanced facial recognition software, which will act as the phone’s security in lieu of passwords, and allow users to turn themselves into animated emoji. Those same innovations, however, have turned out to be exactly what people on Twitter are having a field day over, as well as the phone’s exorbitant price of $999.

These iPhone X jokes are pure gold, and you have to keep scrolling until you’ve seen them all. You’re either going to be rolling on the floor laughing at everything Apple-related, or discreetly heading to their website to grab your own ‘X’ by the end.

iPhoneX release

Image credits: RecognizeAkshay

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Image credits: SilverGreg78

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Image credits: fazalmuneer99

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Image credits: Madan_Chikna

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Image credits: Fatima_Arya

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Image credits: tevans3500

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Image credits: UnofficialDva

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Image credits: ThisIsAsukaCity

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Image credits: rn_t6

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iPhoneX release

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