Trending Now - 40+ Times People Shared Too Much Personal Information, And Now They Wish They Hadn’t (NSFW)
Let’s be honest, some things are better kept private. We don’t need to know where you choose to pass gas or how expensive the medication for your dry vagina is. Don’t get me wrong, we all have our problems, but that’s just too vivid of a topic for a regular nonchalant afternoon.
When you’re not on the receiving end of the conversation, however, it’s quite hilarious to hear how inappropriate some people (accidentally) become. Jimmy Fallon has recently asked people on Twitter to share the memorable times they overheard others telling too much personal information, and the responses are pure gold. Bored Panda has collected some of the best #ThatWasTMI tweets and invites you to scroll down to dive into the cringe-worthy dialogues that probably shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Oh, and don’t forget to upvote your favorite ones!
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Image credits: rsingleton91
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Image credits: kingedhill
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Image credits: The_Movie_Chair
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Image credits: macymouse1224
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Image credits: jimmyfallon
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Image credits: _jaycifer
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Image credits: JeffreyHaun
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Image credits: PaulaAnnRay
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Image credits: anj4prez
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Image credits: Kidigi2lx
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Image credits: ChrisPBaconJr
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Image credits: itsDanBull
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Image credits: SCascioSmith
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Image credits: Hk33a
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Image credits: AsYouuuWiiish
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Image credits: Kristenn_Jade
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Image credits: CXO_Insights
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Image credits: ChrisPBaconJr
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Image credits: ERoseOfHyrule
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Image credits: RobConnett1
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Image credits: Jgmfan
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Image credits: Faithkeune
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Image credits: toriloomis9
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Image credits: ImTheDr_Batman
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Image credits: SarahSkylar180
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Image credits: Jruiz531
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Image credits: SherwinEsco1
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Image credits: Dat_FalPalKiana
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Image credits: Raegan31
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Image credits: LaBlondeOne
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Image credits: MersaSims
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Image credits: RyanBartholomee
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Image credits: Hk33a
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Image credits: MarcosAmparo3
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Image credits: grace_ferris8
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Image credits: rusher_brooke1