Trending Now - Brutus The Famous Supermarket Cat Honored With In-Store Bronze Statue

Every day, Brutus the cat would walk the 200 metres from his home, down to his local supermarket in Flintshire, Wales. Here he would charm customers with his gentle manner while checking out the latest arrivals at the meat and fish section, or find himself a cozy corner to settle down in and keep an eye on proceedings.

Brutus became such a fixture at Morrisons, known and loved by customers and staff alike and even attracting over 12,000 followers on his personal Facebook page, that when he sadly passed away earlier this year the community decided to honor his memory.

Shoppers raised thousands of dollars in donations to build an 18 inch bronze statue of Brutus, a permanent reminder of the popular pussycat and a fitting tribute to the friendliest of neighborhood felines. “We thought a memorial to honor Brutus is only fitting so that shoppers can still say hello to him,” said Brutus’ owner Clare. “Brutus is being placed back in his rightful place and he looks amazing.”

The store’s manager, Christine Joy, agreed that the statue was the perfect way to remember Brutus, who had become part of the family at Morrisons. “Everyone loved our unofficial little store greeter and we couldn’t be happier to be unveiling a statue which will celebrate his life and keep his memory alive.”

And so it’s farewell dear Brutus, the cat who left paw-prints on the hearts of a whole community.

Image credits: Sharon Edwards

Image credits: Brutus “The Morrisons Cat”

Image credits: Brutus “The Morrisons Cat”

Image credits: ‎Mary Saifelden

Image credits: Solent News & Photo Agency

Image credits: Laura Kelter

Image credits: Brutus “The Morrisons Cat”

Image credits: Solent News & Photo Agency

Image credits: Brutus “The Morrisons Cat”

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