Trending Now - Mom’s Shocking Accident Photo Shows Why You Need To Buckle Your Kids Into Their Car Seats
Being a parent can be stressful. While the temptation to take shortcuts when in a rush can be real, this mom’s viral post clearly illustrates that your child’s car seat safety is definitely not something to take lightly.
Jenna Casado Rabberman of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, had pulled over her trusty Honda CRV for some shopping on the way home from preschool, with her 6 week and two year old boys securely strapped into their rear-facing car seats. Out of nowhere, another car slammed into them at high speed, leaving the Honda totalled but Jenna and her kids miraculously unscathed.
“You never think it will happen to you,” Jenna said. “My boys escaped without a scratch but the paramedics told me it could have been very different had I not taken the extra 2 minutes to be sure they were buckled correctly. I will be fine, my kids are fine, everything else can be replaced. Sending thanks to God for keeping us safe. (along with Honda, Graco & Chicco)”
Jenna’s Facebook post showing the chilling aftermath of the crash, with car seats still in pristine condition, serves as an important lesson for all parents and illustrates just how vital a good quality and properly used car seat is for the safety of your child. She has used the opportunity to spread her message about car seat safety and people are listening. “THIS is why you buckle your kids into their car seats correctly every SINGLE time,” she wrote. “Even when they scream because the straps are tight. Even when they complain about the chest clip or being rear facing.” Jenna was also clear that despite the car seats seemingly excellent condition they will be replaced, as per safety experts’ recommendation after any accident, large or small.
This very scary accident, thankfully without injuries, serves as a reminder to ensure your child’s car seat is in good condition. For more information on car seat safety click here.