Trending Now - 57+ Times Parents Hilariously Summed Up What It’s Like Feeding Their Kids
As every parent knows, kids can be remarkably fickle when it comes to food. Seemingly on the slightest whim dietary requirements can drastically change, now your little bundle of joy will only eat foods that are orange, for example.
Luckily, for the majority of kids fussy eating is just a phase. We all know that it just comes with the territory, and we need to find creative and funny ways to get around it.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of hilarious tweets from parents in the midst of dinnertime dramas, if you’ve had kids yourself you’ll be sure to raise a knowing smile (or grimace). Check them out below and tell us your experiences in the comments!
parenting food tweet
Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
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Image credits: Playing_Dad
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Image credits: realtonihammer
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Image credits: MyMomologue
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Image credits: Brianhopecomedy
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Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
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Image credits: yenniwhite
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Image credits: UnfilteredMama
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Image credits: PetrickSara
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Image credits: Six_Pack_Mom
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Image credits: EverydayGirlDad
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Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
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Image credits: Cheeseboy22
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Image credits: aaroncomedian
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Image credits: jnyemb
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Image credits: HowToBeADad
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Image credits: ValeeGrrl
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Image credits: Jenn_H_Scott
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Image credits: ParentNormal
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Image credits: FatherWithTwins
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Image credits: moooooog35
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Image credits: JimGaffigan
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Image credits: rubywoo09
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Image credits: LurkAtHomeMom
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Image credits: Playing_Dad
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Image credits: PaperWash
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Image credits: dshack8
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Image credits: simoncholland
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Image credits: DadandBuried
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Image credits: TheAlexNevil
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Image credits: LurkAtHomeMom
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Image credits: amydillon
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Image credits: OneFunnyMummy
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Image credits: FatherWithTwins
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Image credits: rcromwell4
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Image credits: KidsAreDorks
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Image credits: ParentNormal
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Image credits: yenniwhite
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Image credits: putyoursisterd1
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Image credits: 2questionable
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Image credits: WalkingOutside
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Image credits: AnniemuMary
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Image credits: MyMomologue
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Image credits: sip_at_home_mom
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Image credits: Jenn_H_Scott
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Image credits: House_Feminist
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Image credits: rcromwell4
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Image credits: TheGladStork
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Image credits: adult_mom
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Image credits: ValeeGrrl
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Image credits: simoncholland
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Image credits: mommy_cusses
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Image credits: RaveWH
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Image credits: christyrenn77
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Image credits: ashley_lyn_10
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Image credits: Dadpression
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Image credits: SarahHosseiniUS
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Image credits: MovingBoilers
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Image credits: AndyAsAdjective
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Image credits: QuestionableCIP
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Image credits: ConanOBrien
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Image credits: parentapparent
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Image credits: JillRobbinsRJAB
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Image credits: GinaValley
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Image credits: AnnaKFaris
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Image credits: ParentNormal
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Image credits: DadandBuried
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Image credits: ruleofmum
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Image credits: byclintedwards
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Image credits: outsmartedmommy
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Image credits: Jenn_H_Scott
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Image credits: FatherWithTwins
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Image credits: iamspacegirl
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Image credits: moooooog35
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Image credits: DaddyFiles
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Image credits: sonnyandluca
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Image credits: DomesticGoddss
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Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
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Image credits: ValeeGrrl
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Image credits: PinkCamoTO
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Image credits: StellaGMaddox
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Image credits: DesignerDaddy
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Image credits: Cheeseboy22
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Image credits: my_purple_life
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Image credits: Six_Pack_Mom
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Image credits: Six_Pack_Mom
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Image credits: amydillon
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Image credits: UnfilteredMama
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Image credits: mommy_cusses
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Image credits: 2questionable
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Image credits: lunchboxdad
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Image credits: qwertygirl
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Image credits: simoncholland
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Image credits: LurkAtHomeMom
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Image credits: AlexMcDaniel
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Image credits: JessLint
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Image credits: Annie_Fox
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Image credits: simoncholland
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Image credits: canadasandra
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Image credits: mompsychologist
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Image credits: kimholcomb
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Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
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Image credits: LurkAtHomeMom
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Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
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Image credits: adult_mom
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Image credits: KateWhineHall
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Image credits: Discourt
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Image credits: UncleChaps
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Image credits: MamaFizzles
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Image credits: ExperBadMom
parenting food tweet
Image credits: LurkAtHomeMom
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Image credits: carrieunderwood
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Image credits: iamgreenfield
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Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
parenting food tweet
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
parenting food tweet
Image credits: Six_Pack_Mom
parenting food tweet
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
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Image credits: FatherWithTwins
parenting food tweet
Image credits: MamaFizzles
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Image credits: ParentNormal
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Image credits: ValeeGrrl
parenting food tweet
Image credits: FatherWithTwins
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Image credits: UnfilteredMama
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Image credits: yenniwhite
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Image credits: EverydayGirlDad
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Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
parenting food tweet
Image credits: moooooog35
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Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
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Image credits: LifeUnPinterest
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Image credits: EverydayGirlDad
parenting food tweet
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
parenting food tweet
Image credits: LurkAtHomeMom
parenting food tweet
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
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Image credits: DaddyJew
parenting food tweet
Image credits: Dadpression
parenting food tweet
Image credits: ParentNormal
parenting food tweet
Image credits: UnfilteredMama
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Image credits: bluebonetbabies
parenting food tweet
Image credits: moooooog35
parenting food tweet
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
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Image credits: closetoclassy
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Image credits: PerfectPending