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Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, and pumpkin carving was something I especially looked forward to as it was a great way to channel my artistic skill and interest into the holiday.
I started off using pre-made patterns you would find in those books by Pumpkin Masters. However I soon grew bored with those patterns and decided I would try my hand at my own patterns. Each year I would challenge myself to do something different and more difficult.
In 2009 I carved my first ultra-detailed pumpkin, Iron Man. I posted it to a few sites and entered a few contests for fun and it really seemed to take off. Since then I have tried to do something newer, better, and more challenging every year, and here we are today!
A few tidbits about my carvings:
– I only carve REAL pumpkins. Though it is disappointing that they do not last, they offer a unique final appearance that is not matched by the synthetic foam pumpkins.
– I carve using an X-acto knife almost exclusively. It’s amazing what such a small little knife can accomplish.
– A carving may take between 8 and 20 hours of total carving time, not including pattern drawing and transfer.
– I light my pumpkins using a CFL bulb on a cord. Candles are simply not enough light.