Trending Now - I’ve Been Drawing A Comic Every Day For My Girlfriend For 5 Years (Part 2, NSFW)

Hello, my name’s Pete, I’m a UK-based illustrator, and ever since I began dating my partner Kellie 5 years ago I’ve been making her illustrations based on our lives together. We also have a 2-year-old daughter now, Poppy, and I love to capture all the funny and important moments from our daily lives.

The drawings are a mixture of tender, romantic moments combined with silly, crude, and very British humor.

We were previously featured here, and we got such an amazing response we thought we’d share a collection of our recent illustrations. Our followers (who are an incredibly supportive and kind group of people) love to watch Poppy growing up in our posts, and all the relatable relationship moments Kellie and I share.

More info: Instagram

My favourite part of just about every day is when I come home from work and Poppy is waiting excitedly at the window for me. As I approach our house I always hope she’ll be there, patiently peering out. It’s so beautiful to see her face light up when she sees me, and the way she eagerly runs to the door to greet me and tell me what she’s been up to all day …

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Every night when Kellie and I are ready to sleep we say goodnight, roll over…. and go on our phones. Own up if you do too 😳

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

We like to surprise each other with unexpected dry humping when the other is doing household chores—As our popularity and audience has increased this last month it’s meant that for the first time we’re encountering trolls and negativity. Bit bummed out by it to be honest 😞Thank you so much to everyone that’s been nice and supportive, you’ll never know how much we appreciate it. —…..

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Seconds after walking through the front door Kellie will change into her pyjamas, beaming with joy at the blissful comfort they bring .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie suffers with postnatal depression, and Pete also suffers. Life can be hard sometimes. .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Last night I had to be firm with Kellie 😂

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

So Kellie often thinks she’s lost her phone. She gets all flustered and panics, thinking it’s gone forever. It’s always, without fail, been in her bag the whole time haha

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

All week I’ve been a bit of a pathetic, self-pitying mess because I’ve got a cold. I get all miserable and melancholy when I’m sick and I’m shit company. Sorry Kellie 😳

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

I noticed an empty space where a plant should have been. Turns out it was the latest victim of our plant curse.

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

This is one of my bad habits that Kellie finds amusing/infuriating .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Yesterday we dismantled Poppy’s cot and she helped me build her first little toddler bed. She was so excited about it and eager to help 😍

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

If I leave my phone unattended when I’m getting ready for bed sometimes Kellie secretly changes the wallpaper to some graphic gay porn and waits to see my shocked face .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie woke me up worrying she was concussed. (She was fine 😏)

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie got me with a surprise hump-attack in the kitchen. Excellent form and creativity, full marks

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

After bathing Poppy I love to wrap her up all cosy and say to her she’s ‘snug as a bug in a rug’. She says it back to me now and it’s adorable. .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie is infinitely more important to the smooth running of our household than me. I’m a daydreaming procrastinator with a knack for silly voices, Kellie gets shit done

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

When Kellie is hungry the situation can escalate quickly. You need to get her some food fast, or get the hell out of there .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

When I exercise at home Poppy likes to join in and tries to imitate the positions I get into 😍
Welcome to all the new followers! I think most of you have come via – thank you :)
We were planning on doing a giveaway when we reached 10k followers… we now have over 20k haha. So this week there’ll definitely be a giveaway of some sort – feel free to suggest ideas. Did people like the personalised illustration we did last time or would rather signed prints? Let us know. Much love from Kellie & Pete ❤️

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

After every bathtime Poppy and I throw our towels on the floor and run around the house naked, giggling and doing silly dances. —
There’s still time to enter the giveaway on our last post – win a personalised version of any of our illustrations- go go go! 👍

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

This is what happened when I turned over to sleep the other night. Kellie can be all sleepy and telling me she’s tired, but as soon as I roll over to sleep she comes alive and desperately craves attention 😂. All the dialogue I use in the illustrations are actual quotes by the way haha

We’ll be picking a winner for the giveaway tomorrow evening (GMT). You have one more day to enter if you want to win a personalised version of one of our illustrations. —
We’re on the homepage of the Swiss magazine Annabelle, and there’s a lovely article about us on The Daily Mail too – welcome to anyone who’s discovered us today 👋🏻


Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Every night when we lay down to sleep Kellie pleads with me to scratch her back. I think it may be her favourite thing in the whole world ….
Thanks for all the responses about prints! We will definitely be selling some soon, but we need help choosing which ones to print. Can you comment to let us know what your favourite illustration of ours is? The most popular will be up for sale 👌


Image credits: kellie_and_pete

There’s nothing Poppy likes more than bum bouncing on the bed. (Okay, boobs – she likes boobs more. But only just. )

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie had sunburn on her shoulders and now I kinda like peeling the skin off like a monkey 🐒


Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Over the past month from out of the blue a cat has been paying us visits on a daily basis. He hangs out at our place so much now that we started buying him food. We call him ‘Cat’. —
We now have a Facebook fan page 🎉 We had lots of comments from people who don’t use Instagram but who really wanted to follow us, so from now on we’ll be reposting there too. You can find us at – give us a little follow if you like ☺️

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Poppy does this adorable running cuddle that I call The Dash-dash Cuddle.

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie has OCD about switches being turned off, so before leaving the house she will stare at the hob for an eternity, checking and triple-checking that everything is turned off. And then have one last check. Just to be absolutely sure. —

We’re overwhelmed by all the kindness shown on our last post about trolls. So much positivity and support, Kellie and I are both touched. Often the most vocal people are the negative ones, so it was wonderful to see how many of you out there across the world enjoy our art. You’re amazing 🙏🏻

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

For Poppy’s Birthday we bought her a mini Micro Scooter. We’d been telling her for ages how she was getting her own one and when she unwrapped it she almost exploded with happiness 😍

80k followers! Amazing 💪💪💪You’re the most supportive and uplifting people and Kellie and I feel honoured to have you all following us. We take great pleasure in reading all of your positive and funny messages. We’re so grateful for each and every one. Have a great weekend guys 🙏🏻

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Sometimes Kellie will be eating food really noisily right next to me, and I’ll passive-aggressively let her know its irritating me —

PRINTS ON SALE IN 2 DAYS TIME!! Kellie and I are busy getting all the illustrations scanned in and cleaned up ready for printing. We’re both really excited about launching the shop, we have plenty of ideas in store for the future if these are popular 🎉❤️

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

I’m not entirely sure how, but the other day when I was getting dressed we found ourselves in a situation where I goaded Kellie into whipping me across the ass incredibly hard with a plastic backscratcher (with my pants pulled up like a thong) .

PRINTS ON SALE TOMORROW! Worldwide shipping available, various sizes and framing options if required ❤️

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Poppy has started doing this adorable thing that we call the Koala Cuddle. When you’re carrying her she’ll wrap both her arms and legs around your body and if you’re really lucky she’ll tell you she loves you 😍

Our shop is now open! 🤗
International shipping available 🌎
Follow the link in our bio and bag yourself a print of my melted cock 👌

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

One of my favourite silly dance moves to make Kellie laugh is what I call the Squat Crab dance. I basically lower myself into a squat position and then bounce sideways across the room like a hyperactive crab until Kellie cracks up laughing 🦀😂

In the next couple of weeks we’ll be adding GREETING CARDS to the shop! Who’s in? 😎👌

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

This morning’s clean socks excitement. Kellie takes care of us 😍

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Sometimes when Kellie is in a silly or bored mood, she might try to make me suck a pretend dick. —
— Haha often some of you say you do the same things we do, but I’ll be amazed if anyone else does this 😂

Greeting cards for all occasions coming to the shop in the next week or so. Keep an eye 👀 out. Link to the shop is in our bio. International shipping available ❤️🌎

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

When we’re eating dinner Poppy silently offers me every spoonful to cool down for her. It’s so adorable. .
I’ve been looking at the analytics for our page and it’s really interesting. Apparently Bangkok is the city with the most of our followers in! We had no idea. Say hi if you’re in Bangkok 👋🏻 .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Poppy loves to bake with Mummy. She sits on the floor and helps with the mixing and the sprinkling and the pouring 😍
Thanks to everyone who commented on our last post. Your support and kindness means a lot. Sorry to hear so many of you suffer as well, but hopefully us posting about it at least made you realise you’re not alone. Take care everyone. .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Every night when Kellie and I are ready to sleep we say goodnight, roll over…. and go on our phones. Own up if you do too 😳
We’re in the process of sorting out greeting cards, we’ll keep you posted. In the mean time prints are still available from our shop – link in our bio. Hope everyone had a great weekend 👌

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie really enjoys when I sing in the car

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

The other day when Kellie was in the supermarket buying dinner she said she could hear my voice telling her to buy the expensive versions, like a little devil on her shoulder. (Kerry Katona is a British reference, she’s the face of one of the budget supermarkets in the UK)

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Poppy loves it when I play dolls with her. I’ve always got really into it and do things like make them climb up surfaces strenuously, panting and out of breath as they get to the top haha. She finds it hilarious and always asks me to do it now. I wonder if she thinks the dolls are really alive or if she just likes watching how into it I get 😂
(See also the Kung-fu baby post from a while back)

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

The time I stood with my penis hanging out, acting natural and waiting for Kellie to notice
(Sort of inspired by the Ryan Reynolds comedy ‘Waiting’ )

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

This is a typical scene for us about 4am, with Poppy asserting her dominance and Kellie seeking refuge at the foot of the bed so Pops can’t smell the boob milk 🥛🍼🍈🍈

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

I don’t recall how it started but sometimes at dinner Poppy will suddenly stop eating and raise her plate up, or slide it forward, or do something with her cutlery, starting an impromptu game of follow the leader. Kellie and I follow along as she goes through a series of actions, silently, until we all start giggling and get back to eating dinner. .
Sorry for lack of posts this past week – very busy with work 😣

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

This happened one morning last week. Kellie was adamant she had a legitimate grievance here, but I think my explanation of ‘I was asleep’ was sufficient .
Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. It’s a sunny bank holiday here in the U.K. – niiiiiice 👌

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

When Kellie woke up with a spot on her face this week her description was brilliant .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Poppy loves it when I pretend to make baby feed her. It’s a guaranteed way to get her to eat, and she loves the entertainment too

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Something Kellie said to me one night last week when I attempted to sleep facing her

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

If I’m really lucky, Kellie may occasionally treat me to a pedicure. I think I enjoy it slightly more than she does

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

The perils of being a pale-skinned English guy on holiday in a hot country .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie and I differ when it comes to bath routines. I get in practically as soon as the taps start running, whereas Kellie insists on waiting around for ages until the bath is totally full. How about you guys?
There’s still time to request a print to be added to our shop I’m adding a new batch at the weekend. There’ll also be a discount code for a limited period so keep an eye out 👀

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Whenever poppy needs help getting up onto something, or down, or is tired walking, I make it fun by using rocket jumps. I’ll pretend to press a few buttons on her back (setting the jet pack up) and attach the fuel, then we’re off 💥💨🚀
New prints in our store – and for the next 2 weeks there’s 25% off! Use discount code HZJGJK. Thanks to those who have purchased in the last few days, we love you ⚡️

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

The other day when we went for a coffee I tried to introduce Kellie to the pleasures of a flat white. It was a little too strong for her and she spent the rest of the day telling me she felt weird
There’s still time to enter our 90k GIVEAWAY for the chance to win a signed print of your choice (from any of our drawings, not just those in our shop). See our last post for details .

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

This last week or so with Poppy have been very difficult. She’s going through a phase of bad tantrums where she screams at us as loudly as she possibly can, demanding what she wants (even when the demands are ridiculous and make no sense) 😞

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

And the winner is….

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Kellie and I had a rare cinema date at the weekend, to watch Blade Runner. It felt like there were 3 of us on the date though… .
Blade Runner 2049 is sublime by the way. If you’re a fan of the original, go see 👌

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

Urinal etiquette 📱

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

When Kellie and I are having a disagreement there’s one thing that’s guaranteed to piss her off…

Image credits: kellie_and_pete

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