Trending Now - This 80-Feet Steel Kraken Sunk With An Old WW2 Ship To Create The Coolest Artificial Coral Reef Ever

In April 2017 this giant sculpture of a Kraken was sunk along with a WW2 era ship near the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea, as a means of starting a new coral ecosystem.

The project, titled BVI Art Reef, is the work of the NGO Unite B.V.I., along with artist group Secret Samurai Productions, social justice entrepreneurial group Maverick1000, and ocean education nonprofit Beneath the Waves. “It’s envisioned that within just a short space of time the ship and artwork will attract a myriad of sea creatures. Everything from corals to sea sponges, sharks and turtles will live on, in and around the wreck.” Says Clive Petrovic, leader of the environmental impact assessment of the project.

It is hoped that the Kraken and the historically relevant ship it rides on will attract dive tourism to the British Virgin Islands, and encourage a new generation of people who are passionate about ocean conservation. The ship was prepared and cleaned to the highest standards to ensure safety for diving.

Rob Sorrenti made a documentary about the construction and sinking of the kraken and its ship, you check out the trailer below!

More info: BVI Art Reef | (h/t: Colossal)

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