Viral Now - Meow! Use "Q-chan" app and Your Cat Will Love You More Than Ever

Cats have a stereotype that seems to be true more often than not. They are independent and sassy, only seeking humans when they need something. This description certainly differs from that of dogs. K9 breeds are of course known to be affectionate to a fault. Studies have long existed showing that, like humans, dogs release the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin [1].

In fact, scientists are just as curious as the rest of us as to whether cats even like their owners, especially compared to dogs. Dr. Paul Zak decided to conduct a study to measure the oxytocin levels in dogs and cats after interacting with their owners.

“He took saliva samples from 10 cats and 10 dogs on two occasions – 10 minutes before a playtime session with their owners and immediately after – and tested both samples for oxytocin.”

The results show the hormone increased by an average of 57.2 per cent in dogs but only by 12 per cent in cats.

So in theory, dogs are scientifically proven to love humans more than cats do.

However, while the research (and cliches) may indicate dogs love all, not all love dogs; some people prefer felines and would like a way to improve relationships with their snoody and sassy cats. While it can be frustrating to try to build a relationship with a cat, especially if it is well past kitten age, there is hope.

Taking care of the basics

Cats don’t require much, but in order to cultivate a happy and successful bond between you and your whiskered companion, it is important to ensure he or she has everything they need.

1. Litter Box

Make sure your cat’s litter box is somewhere they like it and is easy for them to find. Keep the box clean, or your cat may take to leaving you surprises in other places.

2. Quality food and clean water

Quality pet food often comes at a price, but it’s worth it to know that your cat is healthy and taken care of. Consult your vet to determine the appropriate food for your kitty, and of course make sure they always have access to clean water.

3. Help your cat entertain herself

Cats, much like people, don’t want to be bored. Make sure your pet has lots of fun toys to play with to satisfy their curiosity. Buy different treats and determine which your particular cat prefers. Once you’ve identified it, keep some on hand all the time.

4. Give them a good bed, or at least the option of one…

Cats are pretty independent, so they will likely find their sleeping space on their own. However, while cats often prefer to choose their own sleeping place, it’s a good idea to buy a cat bed or some soft bedding. While you may feel a little silly doing so, rub her bedding on you so that it picks up some of your scent. She’ll associate her safe, resting area with your smell [2].

5. Provide a scratching post

A scratching post can calm your cat’s nerves and prevent her from ruining your furniture!

It can be challenging to understand any animal, because they can’t tell you what they want. For instance, if you have ever owned a cat before, you know you could be petting them one moment and listening to them purr, only to suddenly be attacked by your precious pet for seemingly doing the same thing! While the cat obviously felt justified in biting or clawing at you, you were left trying to understand the sudden change in attitude. Undoubtedly, you wished there was a way your cat companion could tell you what happened. If only there was a cat to human dictionary you could reference. But wait, there might just be an app for that…

Introducing the Q-cat App

This innovative app is designed to help you capture your cat’s attention. The adorable technology is easy to use and filled with over 250 quality meow sounds!


Your cat will love feeling you understand him every time you press a button so signal a new meow. Plus, in an effort to start your day off right, the Q-Cat app even offers a meow alarm that allows you to play meow sounds at a set time to wake up you and call your cat to your bed. You two will feel closer in no time [3].

Attract your cat will be more simple than ever

To select different meow sounds, simply swipe up or down and tap the desired effect.


To set the alarm, navigate to the alarm menu of the app and chose the time and sound you’d like. Just make sure your phone isn’t on silent or do not disturb mode.

The Cat-App and you

Along with making sure your cat has all of its basic needs met, the cat-app is an ideal next step in really bonding with him or her. While it may not technically translate what your cat is telling you, it may help your cat to feel more understood by you. This further aids in a comfortable, loving environment for your feline friend and can help the two of you to trust each other more.

Download the app today for iPhone or iPad and let us know here at Lifehack how you and your cat fare!


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