Trending Now - DMV Employee Surprises Customers With His Awesome Halloween Costume
Working during holidays is such a drag, especially when you’re missing out on a fun night like Halloween. One DMV employee in the San Diego area, however, made the most of his October 31st shift by cosplaying as the fastest sloth ever to register a license plate. You want it when?
That’s right – the clever guy showed up in full Flash Slothmore (of Zootopia fame) garb, and ended up becoming a viral star on Reddit for it. A photo of him hard at work has more than 1.6 million views already, and was even posted by two separate people visiting the DMV at the same time. In the background, another employee can be seen dressed as Snow White.
Though most of us have nothing but nightmare stories when it comes to the ‘Department of Mammal Vehicles,’ at least this particular office has a sense of humor that we can only assume matches their customer service skills.
Image credits: paochow
Image credits: ub52107
Image credits: Walt Disney Animation Studios