Trending Now - The Way These 2 Sisters Ended Their Fight Perfectly Sums Up What It’s Like Having A Sibling
We love our sisters dearly. We really do. But that doesn’t stop us from having explosive, petty fights with them all the time. That’s why we need stories like this one about 16-year-old Trinity Hartman and her 12-year-old sister Jordan Jordan Torstenson, a pair of ‘frenemies’ from Arizona who recently shared a text argument they had online. What started as a simple request to borrow spandex quickly erupted into a full-blown war of words over entered rooms and misplaced makeup, but the way it ended is what made the screenshot go viral on Twitter. People found it just a little too relatable for comfort, and started sharing their own sibling spats in response.
“My sister and I argue about small things a lot, but at the end of the day we always make up, and we love each other a lot,” Trinity told Buzzfeed News. “Even when I’m mad at her, I’ve got her back. She’s pretty much my own built-in best friend.”
Scroll down to take it all in, and tell us what it’s like living with your sibling in the comments.