Viral Now - Just How Much Of This Is Too Much?

Coffee. We either love it, or love it. Especially so for this millennial generation where it’s all about the fancy coffees, how much you ‘know’ about your coffee or the latest coffee joint that does cold drip. You are already fancy if you can order a coffee that is not a latte or cappuccino. But just how much coffee should we be having before it becomes a bad thing?

The New York Post published an article titled Exactly how much coffee is too much coffee, highlighting the topic of drinking too much coffee without actually realising it.

How much you can take depends on your tolerance level

As everyone has different tolerance levels, some might be a lot more sensitive to caffeine intake, compared to others. For the average person, it would be advised to keep caffeine consumption below 500 milligrams, which is equivalent to 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day, with a couple more cups of tea on the side.

Do you know how much caffeine are sneaking into your body?

A common reason for excessive caffeine intake is the size of coffee orders that we get when getting our coffee from cafes. A large cup of coffee can equate to as much as 200-300mg of caffeine in a single serving. So if you had one in the morning and another in the afternoon, you would have maxed out on your caffeine quota already.

Another sign that you may be consuming too much caffeine besides the obvious signs like racing heartbeat, jitters etc, is that you find yourself relying on it to get through the day and if you go a day without coffee, you experience some form of withdrawal symptom.

Another sneaky negative that coffee brings is the added calories and sugar thanks to its milk base and sugar additions. Think caramel frappe, cappuccino, lattes.

How much caffeine are you consuming?

  • Black coffee 65-120 mg.
  • Espresso 30-60 mg.
  • Latte or cappuccino 100-120 mg.
  • Energy drinks 80-100 mg.
  • Tea 10-50 mg.

As with any food, moderation is key. Coffee is a magical drink that works wonders, but over consuming it can lead to some negative health effects in the long run which does not improve your overall well being. So the next time you pick up that cuppa joe, make sure you know when to have enough!To read the full article, click here.

The post Just How Much Of This Is Too Much? appeared first on Lifehack.

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