[Amazing] 25 Awesome, Gender-Neutral, Non-Electronic Toddler Toys For The Holidays
It seems as if we’re starting our kiddos on electronics and computers earlier and earlier; Our stuffed animals sing at the push of a button, most moms have an app or six for their children on their phones, and there’s even an edition of the Kindle Fire Tablet for children. While those things are well and good and lovely, it’s sometimes nice, and rather important, to have play time with toys that are powered by imagination. It’s hard though, to find a non-Character themed toy that also doesn’t require batteries, or if you’re not a parent, to know what is okay and not okay with a little one as far as electronic toys. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here to help out with your Holiday Shopping are 25 Awesome, Gender-Neutral, Non-Electronic Toddler Toys For The Holidays.
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