Trending Now - Japanese People Are Going Crazy Over This Ridiculously Handsome Gorilla

Get you a man who acts like an animal, but looks like George Clooney.

If you’ve been to Higashiyama Zoo in Nagoya, Japan recently, you might have noticed that your heart is no longer in your chest and has, in fact, been stolen by one of the zoo’s inhabitants – Shabani the gorilla. The Japanese call him ikemen, meaning ‘handsome guy.’ We call him a brooding, musclebound heartbreaker.

Shabani spends his days flexing, staring thoughtfully into the distance, and enjoying bona fide social media fame. He’s Dutch-born, Australian-bred, now resides comfortably in your dreams. Sure, he may have two wives and at least two children already, but he’s a gorilla – they have this thing about not settling down. When he’s not too busy being Higashiyama’s official spokesman, or doing ads for Japanese candies and cakes, he’s wild company to be with.

Swipe right… Er, down, to see Shabani in all his glory, and let us know if you’d go for a walk in the jungle with him.

Meet Shabani, a 19-year-old gorilla who’s been living at Higashiyama Zoo in Nagoya, Japan since 2007

He’s Dutch-born, Australian-bred, and 100% man

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People in Japan have become so charmed by him, they call him ikemen – ‘handsome guy’

Image credits: gori2gorilla

And, um… Can anyone blame them?

Image credits: Getty Images

That brooding stare, those endless eyes, the way he struts around with so much confidence…

Image credits: gori2gorilla

He’s even an entertainer!

Image credits: gori2gorilla

Shabani went globally viral back in 2015, and though he’s kept it humble, he seems to enjoy the fame

Image credits: gori2gorilla

He’s a western lowland gorilla, a critically-endangered species native to central Africa

Image credits: minty

They are often hunted for their skin and meat, or captured to be sold to zoos

Image credits: chiyu

Shabani was sent to Japan as part of a breeding program, and this hunk certainly did his part

Image credits: hapyyuka

After taking 2 lucky wives, Shabani now has 2 children, named Kiyomasi and Annie

Image credits: chibimarukoro365

Higashiyama Zoo even made him their official spokesman

Image credits: hana0723

Given his resemblance to certain famous faces, we see the appeal

Image credits: katelcunningham

Image credits: phillustrations

After teaming up with Nagoya-based department store Parco, Shabani found his true calling – modelling

Image credits: parco_nagoya

Image credits: parco_nagoya

Image credits: lilylilyelf

Would you go for a romp in the jungle with Shabani? Tell us below!

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