Trending Now - Mom’s Lies About The Elf On The Shelf Backfire Hilariously

In an attempt to keep the holiday spirit alive in their house, one mom has become the Christmas darling of the year on the internet. “Y’all know I can’t stand doing Elf on the Shelf but I suck it up every year and do it to see those precious smiles on my beautiful children’s faces,” Brittany Mease from Wylie, Texas wrote. This time, however, the adventures of Elfis – the family elf – took a hilariously unexpected turn, accumulating over 106K likes and 107K shares on Facebook.

Everything started with a subtle white lie that Brittany planned to pull off on her kids, but it soon backfired, proving that sometimes everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Scroll down to read the amusing story in Brittany’s own words and let us know what you think about it in the comments below!

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Army veteran Brittany Mease works really hard to be the best mom to her children but this holiday season had prepared her a special challenge

Some Christmas traditions can’t be ignored, especially if they mean the world to your precious kids

Brittany thought her plan was perfect

She, er, I mean Elfis even wrote this cute letter, explaining everything to the kids

But after the 2 weeks, things took an unexpected turn


It wasn’t a sight for the fainthearted


But the family enjoyed the magic of Christmas nonetheless


People quickly fell in with the story, nominating Brittany for mom of the year



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