Viral Now - Advice From Seniors You Will Be Foolish Not To Pay Heed To

Life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies and we all go through tough times. Going through life without guidance is like trying to ride a bike before learning how to walk. Of course, you may eventually get better at it, but the scars you bear along the way will be with you forever. It is important to understand what someone’s saying, their perspective and why they’re saying it. Everyone has a unique background and a unique story, and applying someone’s words of wisdom will help you revamp yourself and way of thinking.

In the article 5 pieces of essential life advice from seniors by Kate Torgovnick May, she shares five beautiful advises from seniors that will bring your life into balance, showing how experience of seniors accumulated after years of trial and error can improve how you live your life and how you can find happiness in the smallest of things and find hope in the gravest of perils.

Been there, done that 

It’s important to take advice that touches your heart and mind and leave what you find irrelevant and non-applicable. Understanding the perspective of seniors and taking their advice to heart will allow you to live a much happier, successful and fulfilled life. Remember, nothing matters if you’re not content with your life; change yourself where you need to and start anew.

I’ve found this article to be extremely influential; as someone who has always loved, respected, and listen to their grandparents, the pieces of advice given are absolutely accurate and something someone would tell a loved one, or a pupil. It’s true that once you’re stuck in a difficult time in your life, or when you are in a crossroads where you can go in any direction but back, you must choose a path that will most satisfy your life and that you’ll not regret later down the path. I believe that changing your life right now instead of regretting your life choices when you’re 80 years old is a much better option, and with a little guidance, encouragement and advice, you can get the internal power to turn yourself around 180-degrees.

Wisdom doesn’t come with age 

We find seniors to be docile, and often times cute as well. They give us a feeling of an age passed yet they provide a warm feeling of security. They’re the oldest amongst us, like scholars (of life) amongst children. Our focus shouldn’t be on their age, but what they’re telling us.

At the end of the day, their experience will allow your life to be much better. Just like how Dr. Seuss put it, “Don’t cry because it’s over, and smile because it happened”.

To read the full article, click here.

The post Advice From Seniors You Will Be Foolish Not To Pay Heed To appeared first on Lifehack.

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