Viral Now - Have You Ever Wished Your Kids Will Beg To Do Their Chores?
One of the most difficult things for new parents to deal with is how to get their kids to do chores once they get old enough. The last thing most kids want to do it to stop playing and do housework around the house. Unfortunately, if the kids do not want to help out with some of the chores, the parents would be stuck doing all of the work for themselves. A solution to this problem would be to convince the kids that if they were to do the chores you want them to do they would receive a valuable reward. There is “an app for that” called Choremonster.
Make Chores Fun and Challenging For Your Kids
The Choremonster App for iOS is an app that is only available for iPhone users and can be found on iTunes for easy install. The app is customizable in that you can decide which of the chores fit in with your household. The key to the app is your kids are encouraged to complete the chores that you assign to them in order for them to get a reward.
The app is designed to be used with kids aged 4-12 and the parent gets to manage the use of the app. They get to decide what types of rewards are given for completing which chore by their kids. Parents are able to be as creative as they want when it comes to picking out the rewards.
Now Chores Are Just like Games For Them
Gives out rewards for completing chores
The app is filled with dozens of chores that can be selected by you that fit in with your household. Each chore is then assigned a select number of points and as your child completes the chore that amount of points are added to their account.
Helps to make doing chores fun for kids
While most kids dread having to do chores that are given to them by their parent as a rule. It is up to the parents to figure out how to get them to want to do them.
Parental management required
The app is set up so that you get to determine the chores, points, and rewards to be given out for completing a certain chore. You have all of the power to decide which chores are going to be done.
It Has Made My Parenting Life So Much Easier
I was having difficulty with getting my two young kids to do the few easy chores that I needed them to do. They would much rather play their video games and or play outside then do the things around the house that I needed help with. That all changed when I found the Choremonster App and installed it on my iPhone. I got it set up fairly easily and after an, I showed my boys how it worked they seemed to get into it. I would rate it 4.5 stars out of 5.0 stars.
We would highly recommend Choremonster App to anyone who is having trouble getting their kids to want to do their chores. To see more information about it and to find out where to get it, just click here.
The post Have You Ever Wished Your Kids Will Beg To Do Their Chores? appeared first on Lifehack.