Viral Now - An Inconvenient Truth You Cannot Ignore

“We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation.” –  Francois Hollande, former president of France. Whether we admit or not, climate change and global warming is real, is happening and has caused a lot more natural disasters worldwide than ever before, destroying homes and taking lives.

During the last decade, our greenhouse gas emission has made a huge leap, and natural disasters continue to unfold. While we pray for those who suffered from hurricane Harvey and Irma earlier this year, former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore spoke up about this urgent matter more than 10 years ago, with the film An Inconvenient Truth. This documentary serves as a good reminder and food for thought on whether we are doing enough to prepare against other threats besides existing political and war conflicts.

This Oscar-winning documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim was filmed around Al Gore’s campaign, educating citizens about global warming, the cause, and how to cope with. The film showed pictures of destroyed neighbourhood, villages and cities, and predicted the consequences of betraying our nature.

Don’t mess with mother nature

“This is not a political issue, but a moral issue”, Al Gore rang the alarm for global warming with examples of previous disasters, including hurricane Katrina that happened in 2005, and gave a comparison between pictures of Patagonia 75 years ago and in 2005. With the statistics presented, Al Gore predicted the flood of Florida, Shanghai and Calcutta, impacting millions of people. The documentary ended with Al Gore arguing that if appropriate actions are taken, the effects of global warming can be successfully reversed. “Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that”

Al Gore engaged audiences gently at the beginning and went forcefully as the movie goes on, and provided hope at the end. You may feel slightly depressed after the movie. Do not expect a film that is bombarded with statistics, as it was was entertaining and informative, revealing mother nature’s true colours, and disasters which we are still facing today.

As we plan to move to mars, think again, where is our home really?

Watch An Inconvenient Truth on iTunes

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