Viral Now - Spend 50% Less Time Taking Care Of Your Plants With This App
Home gardening is an enjoyable family activity whose benefits extend beyond your body’s wellness, the environment, and your wallet. There’s the versatility of growing whatever pleases you all year round. There’s also the assurance of efficiently getting the freshest and safest organic herbs, greens and spices at your yard.
Being a home gardener at the digital age is awesome, though, in the midst of your busy, hectic schedule, all your plants may wither off and die. The many gardening apps for Android and iOS devices are information-rich and undeniably helpful in teaching the art of growing a wonderful garden, even when you’ve got a miniature yard or no outdoor space.
But many of these gardening apps aren’t brilliant and up-to-point in helping keep track with the gardening projects. Some even have nothing to offer regarding all-things sun exposure, watering, germination, soiling, and mulching.
Be A Smart Home Gardener With “Gardenia”
Finally, here’s an invaluable resource expertly put together for ardent gardeners looking to supplement their gardening skills and continue growing fresh produce. If you’ve got a smartphone, everything becomes a lot breeze, whether you are a beginner and expert in home gardening.
Gardenia is designed to teach you the best gardening tips,it goes ahead to predict how fast the plants must have grown, what needs to be done and the weather. It is light with a beautiful interface, user-friendly and easy to use to navigate.
Why Gardenia is better than other gardening apps ?
Easy planning of your gardening tasks
With the care calendar, Gardenia-Planting Organiser is that perfect app for you to use and plan your green tasks. It was developed by an experienced home gardener and has countless doable plans, great inspirational information and other nitty-gritty for gardening. With weather monitoring alerts and tips on what to grow, you will need no reminder of what to grow, when and how.
An unbelievable list of plant species
The best thing about this app its 90000+ different plants library for you to choose and learn the right way of planting each of them. Its awesomeness is how it helps everyone identify a plant that does well in their local area, the useful advice cataloged in projects and the ease of using it.
Gardenia-Planting Organiser is freely available for download at both the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. Click here to download it for your Android device and here for iOS today!
The post Spend 50% Less Time Taking Care Of Your Plants With This App appeared first on Lifehack.