Viral Now - This Driving Buddy Can Save Up 80% of Accident On The Road
Distracted driving has been determined to be one of the leading causes of traffic crashes and vehicle accidents. With a number of different things that go on inside of a vehicle also have been sighted as substantial causes of the distractions that frequently lead to a high number of the vehicle accidents.
Most people cannot tell how fast they are going at all times and therefore they frequently have to look down at the dashboard to be able to tell how fast the car is going. This momentary looking away from the road could be enough to cause a loss of control and possibly a wreck.
Now you can keep your head up and focus
Hudway Glass Heads up Display is a driver assistance product from Hudway, LLC, a highly innovative company based in southern California. From its Marina Del Rey, Ca. headquarters the company makes automotive products and mobile apps. One of their most successful products is this Heads-up Display and mobile app that helps to provide useful information in the line of sight so that a driver doesn’t get distracted by looking away from the road.
The combination of the app on your smartphone and the patented cradle, the speed, and direction that your car is traveling is prominently displayed on your vehicle’s dashboard. This eliminates the need for you to look down at your speedometer to see how fast you are going.
Eliminate all your distractions for you
The unique smartphone cradle with transparent flip-up cover is capable of holding the most model of cell phones.
Eliminates distractions – By projecting all the important information in the line of sight you will not need to look away from the road in order to get what you are needing from the dashboard or navigation system.
Provides valuable information in a safe way – The heads-up display was designed to provide speed, the direction of travel or other navigation information and put it in a safe to view location.
See how it becomes drivers’ BFF
According to many of the consumers who posted reviews online the HUDWAY Glass -Heads up Display delivers as advertised. No more worries about having to look down at the dashboard or navigation system in order to see how fast they were going. The app is really easy to use and when paired with the cradle and heads-up display makes the perfect safety tool.
“Fantastic design. Perfect for driving on unknown county roads at night. Helps you anticipate turns and curves without having to constantly glance inside!”
Make it your best driving buddy
The Hudway Glass – Heads up Display is one of those unique products that just makes sense in that it provides the solution to a problem that frequently puts drivers in a dangerous situation. If you are concerned about distracted driving you really need one of these. To see more information and to find out where you can get one, just click here.
The post This Driving Buddy Can Save Up 80% of Accident On The Road appeared first on Lifehack.