Viral Now - The Unknown Effects Of Spanking That Will Creep Up To You
Spanking has been passed down through the years as an effective way to stop children from misbehaving and keeping them in check. Unknown to most, its effect might be noticeable in an instant, but recent research results have shown that spanking does not only violate the rights of the child, but results in academic, health and relationship problems as those children turn into adults.
Has spanking really been effective in keeping children away from trouble?
Many of the advocates for spanking and those who think it is effective cannot really point out direct ways that it has helped them stop behaving excessively during their childhood, they just believe it was administered for their own good and wrongly believe it made them stop the bad behavior. If that was the point it ended, there would have been no wrong done except to them as individuals, but this lot pass spanking on as appropriate for enforcing right behavior in a child. Following the 2007 UN convention and the call for banning of all forms of physical and mental violence on children, many people are finally starting to heed the warnings of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
What does spanking do to your child?
The article How Spanking Affects Later Relationships by James Hablin samples the findings of many researches on the effects of spanking. All of the researchers pointed at spanking as a horrible thing that does not just stop at failing to correct childhood excesses, but leads to several academic, health and relationship problems along the line. Most times leading to cancer, heart diseases, and respiratory illnesses at a young age. Child spanking is also linked to aggressive behavior, dating violence and other forms of violence as the child turns into an adult.
What are the alternatives to spanking?
The article does so much to discredit spanking and provided results from research to back up the claims however; it is not enough to paint is as bad without leaving an alternative in place for people to fall back on. Hablin gathered several alternatives that includes communication and connecting to the child. The truth lies in the fact that these alternatives may not prove to be effective instantly because we live in a fast-paced world with stressors piling up before everybody however, they are sure to yield results for the now and the future when effectively administered. It is also important that this discourse on spanking starts on a national scale and then spread to the very roots of society.
We cannot control the present and as a result, risk losing the future completely. Spanking is outdated, ineffective and creates even more trouble going forward. Instead, teaching healthy relationships and healthy social habits proves positive down the years. The effects of spanking are numerous and devastating.
To read the full article, click here.
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