My name is Dominick and I’m a dad in California. Usually, parents provide home lunches for their child and think their job is done. Not me. I took it a bit further. For about 4 years or so, I’ve been drawing on my son’s brown paper lunch bags when he takes them to school. And I have already decorated more than 550 bags so far.
Even though he’s in middle school now, he continues to take these decorated lunches to school. I’ve even had to do lunch bags for his soccer games when it’s our turn to bring snacks.
Some people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we like to think lunch is the most creative.
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For about 4 years or so, I’ve been drawing on my son’s brown paper lunch bags when he takes them to school

And I have already decorated more than 550 bags so far

When my son was younger, my wife and I would sign him up for extra-curricular classes or summer fun, but he was fairly introverted and shy when meeting new students

I started doing these art pieces on his brown bagged lunches to help break the ice, and get conversations going

It worked!

Kids would come up to him and ask him about the artwork, and if the lunch art was some superhero, they’d have a conversation about the newest Marvel movie

Or if it was an animal, they’d start talking about what animals were the coolest or roughest

He loved them so much, I started doing them for his school lunches during the regular school year, even though he knows the kids there

It gave him a chance to be the center of attention at least for a few minutes a day

Sometimes I’ll draw bags on real-life figures, depending on what they’re learning in school, current events, an event we attended, or sports figures

We absolutely love superhero movies, so I’ll usually draw the flavor of the month in a string of lunch bags

On average, they take about an hour each, sometimes a little more if I get ambitious

I try not to take too long, and it goes by quick when you’re watching TV, or Netflix

I’ll use paints, markers, and/or colored pencils until I get the desired effect.

Even though he’s in middle school now, he continues to take these decorated lunches to school

Over the years, he’s broken out of his shell when it comes to meeting other kids

I like to think I’ve helped him do this through my artwork

He might not be the extroverted motivational speaker just yet, but he’s definitely not the loner sitting by himself in the corner

He still requests the bags and I’m sure it’s a mental security blanket to know he won’t be at a loss for words when put into a new environment

Some people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we like to think lunch is the most creative