Trending Now - This Guy Keeps Trolling The Government With His Driving Licence Photos, And The Results Are Hilarious
Comedian Jono Zalay and his family have developed the awesome tradition of lightly trolling the government over the years, by presenting themselves on official photo ID’s as ‘characters’.
Jono recently took to Twitter to document his latest incarnation. “Recently moved back to California and had to get a new drivers license,” he wrote. “This is my story.” Having previously sported an impressive handlebar moustache, cornrows, and a mullet Billy Ray Cyrus would be proud of, he chose to raise the bar this time by going all-out anti-authority.
Because we all know that going to any kind of government department, the DMV especially, pretty much sucks. The queues, the sticky plastic seats, getting passed from line to line as the clerk decides to close just as you finally arrive… the thirst for revenge is somewhat understandable. So why not have a little fun with them?
Scroll down to check out Jono’s hilarious drivers licence troll, and click here to support his quest to make his licence plate FARTS69. It’s for a good cause!
More info: Website