Trending Now - This Squirrel Keeps Coming Back To Visit The Family That Saved Her 8 Years Ago

When Brantley Harrison and her family rescued a tiny, injured squirrel back in 2009, then released her back into the wild, they didn’t expect to ever see her again. 8 years later, however, little Bella still comes to visit them almost every day – as long as snacks are provided, of course.

After a harrowing owl attack left Bella near death as a baby, she was graciously taken in by the Greenville County, South Carolina family, and raised by them alongside three other squirrels named Larry, Curly, and Moe. Bella stayed with the Harrisons until spring 2010, at which point she had healed successfully thanks to a steady diet of fruit, nuts, and formula, and was ready to romp around in the forest. The sweet squirrel never strayed too far from her adopted home, though, and stops by to say hello whenever she can, despite how much time has passed.

“Bella sits right at the front door waiting for someone to notice she has come by for a visit. She has even resorted to jumping over to the dining room window to peer in for someone to see her,” Brantley told The Dodo.

The most amazing part? A few years after Bella’s original stay at the Harrison house, she found her way back to them with an injured foot – and a belly full of babies – necessitating another few months of rehab. “It was truly amazing to watch the baby I raised raise her own babies,” Brantley said. Bella now even has her own Instagram page with almost 4 thousand followers! See some of this family’s sweetest photos below.

Back in October 2009, this baby squirrel was found injured and alone after an apparent owl attack


Rescuers placed the poor thing with Brantley Harrison and her family in SC, who soon named her Bella


For 5 months, the Harrisons lovingly raised and nurtured Bella back to health alongside three other squirrels


Eventually, the time came to release all 4 squirrels into the wild, never to be seen again after a few days


One of their former guests, however, just kept coming back to visit every single morning


It was Bella! The little lady just wasn’t ready to part with the family that saved her life


Whenever she stops by, she asks for nothing more than a handful of walnuts and plenty of cuddles


“Bella sits right at the front door waiting for someone to notice she has come by for a visit,” Brantley says


“She has even resorted to jumping over to the dining room window to peer in for someone to see her”


A few years later, Bella turned up one morning with an injured foot – and a secret surprise


Just before she was re-released, Bella gave birth to three babies, and was once again in need of care


“It was truly amazing to watch the baby I raised raise her own babies,” Brantley commented


Though it’s been 8 years since Bella and the Harrisons first met, their bond is still just as strong


Bella even has her own Instagram account now, where her human family documents her adventures


“My husband will be running late for something and rushes out the door to be greeted by her…”


“And he HAPPILY runs back inside… and goes back out to spend some time with her”


This just might be the SWEETEST human-animal friendship we’ve ever seen!


Do you have a best friend from the wild? Tell us all about them below!

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