Trending Now - Unsuspecting Contractor Goes To House To Do Simple Job, And It Escalates To Epic Proportions

Working as a contractor can be incredibly interesting and exciting, with different locations and workplaces to see, and many interesting people to meet.

Nobody knows this better than Kevin. Working on a client’s house while the owners are away in Europe, it seems like just another regular day for Kev who has been on the job for quite some time now.

However, this time things turned out to be a little different. “In 35 years nothing like this has ever happened, so I’m on pace for another 35 boring years. I’m very much OK with that,” he explained.

So what happened to Kevin on this particular day? He showed up at the house as usual, however this time there 4 cars were parked in the driveway. Weird right? Weird indeed. And boy, did it escalate from there.

Scroll down the read the story below, and if you have a contractor horror story let us know in the comments!

In his 35 years working as a contractor, Kevin has never experienced anything quite like what happened on this day

Do you have a contractor horror story? Let us know in the comments below!

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