Trending Now - 80+ Of The Most WTF Stock Photos That We Can’t Believe Are Being Sold By Image Companies

Stock photos are made to be sold but it’s impossible to think anyone would buy these. Bored Panda has collected some of the strangest and funniest images from sites like iStock or Shutterstock that no one will ever use, and they will definitely make you ask WTF.

From a grandma teaching a group of blond children the secrets of “stab between the fingers” to a female version of Adolf Hitler peeling potatoes, the photographers behind these shots were trying a bit too hard. And it’s not that we don’t appreciate all the work that went into producing these photos… We just think each of them should come with an in-depth commentary by the author, explaining what was going on in his head while he was creating such a masterpiece.

Grandma teaches blond children important life lessons

Image credits: mrbenmarko

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