Trending Now - Asshole Client Bullies Woman Selling Crochet Blankets, And Her Response Is The Best
If you hire a freelancer, you aren’t just paying for the materials they use; you’re also funding their time. But when somebody contacted crocheter Krafty Katt to commission her for a 120-150-hour project, they thought she’d offer a Walmart price. Shocked for no apparent reason, they started to bargain.
Shielding themselves from every argument Katt threw at them, they kept escalating the conversation. They were obnoxious, insulting, simply an a**hole. After they showed their true colors, the crocheter knew she was dealing with a customer from hell. Scroll down to check out how she responded to the increasing rudeness, and let us know what you think about her comeback in the comments!
More info: Instagram
In their free time, Katt and her cat Kovu are busy crocheting awesome stuff
The duo are making a name for themselves on Instagram, having already acquired over 1,000 followers
But the more potential customers you have, the more potential a**holes might contact you