Trending Now - Internet Can’t Stop Laughing At Brits Who Are In Absolute Chaos Because Of A Little Snow
It’s easy to make fun of the Brits. I should know, I’m one myself! However, the whole ‘bad teeth’ thing that Americans seem to cling to is a little outdated by now, we got that sorted a while back and quite regularly go to the dentist now. Well most of us, anyway.
So why not have a dig at the fact that we invented a whole host of sports, which we now suck at? Or the brand-new super expensive aircraft carrier we got, which has no aircraft and already sprung a leak? And what about this guy, who represents us to the world as our Foreign Secretary? The list is practically endless. Luckily, most of us have a pretty deprecating sense of humour and are quite happy to chuckle along too, so by all means, give us your best shot.
Now, if you must, you can add general hysteria and losing-of-shit over a little bit of bad weather to the list. Egged-on by a ridiculously sensationalist tabloid press, Brits have been portrayed as a bunch of hopeless ninnies who are incapable of functioning as a society, as soon as but a single snowflake falls from the sky. And sadly, it’s all true.
Naturally, people from countries like Canada, Switzerland, Norway and Russia, places where it gets like, actually cold, can only look on with incredulous pity at us whiny Brits, and wonder what the heck all the fuss is about. Those guys get it soo much worse than us, but life seems to go on just fine. What is our problem? Well, you see old chap, we just always seem to get the wrong type of snow. Just unlucky I guess!
Scroll down to see how the world roasted us, and quite rightly so I might add. Oh, and feel free to take a pop at us in the comments too. Bring it!
Image credits: RaheemDTV
Image credits: BeccaMacDonald8
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Image credits: ShinobiNando
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Image credits: SaraInLaLaLand
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