Trending Now - Someone Spotted This Cat Selling Fish In Vietnam, And His Pics Will Make Your Day

There’s a street vendor in Vietnam that appears to be above his competition. Mainly because the merchant looks so appealing, he would probably persuade you even into buying sand in a desert.

His owner Le Quoc Phong calls him Dog, and he has been spotted in a local market quite a few times. Like a true businessman, he’s always well-dressed, looking stylish while he’s earning a living. Dog seems like the perfect fit for the job; imagine all the fish he gets to taste while dealing the supply! Scroll down to check out how this busy feline is getting ahead in life.

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This adorable kitty has become the most famous fish vendor in a local Vietnamese market

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

His human, Le Quoc Phong calls him Dog, and the owner says it’s a Scottish Fold

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

Dog has become a true celebrity in the Hai Phong market

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

Catching the attention of both clients and competitors

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

Sometimes, Dog tries selling other goods, like meat…

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong


Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

And even though his menu has an incredibly wide selection

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

You can probably guess what he likes best

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

The kitty likes wearing something more stylish after he leaves the market

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong

And on a day-off, he even has time to relax like a regular cat

Image credits: Le Quoc Phong


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