Trending Now - 47+ Awkward Album Covers Of 1970’s Swedish Bands That Are So Bad, They’re Good

The Swedes are stylish and trend-conscious folk, a brief walk around Stockholm’s bars and cafes will confirm that they have embraced the ‘hipster’ phenomenon to the absolute max. And if these 70’s album covers are anything to go by, they took the dubious fashion trends of that decade to hilarious extremes as well.

Perhaps it is that innate Scandinavian desire to conform, and to do it better and more completely than everyone else. What else can explain these gloriously cheesy matching outfits? The medly of moustaches and mullets? Those ball-huggingly tight pants? Of course, we will look back at ourselves in 40 years time and wonder what the hell we were thinking. But hopefully not to this extent!

Scroll down below to check out these superstars of 70’s Svensk popmusik for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!


Image credits: discogs


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