Trending Now - Guy Pays $800 To Get 40+ Bats Out Of His Attic, And It Gets Funnier And Funnier With Every Tweet

The most exciting find I stumbled upon in my house was a penny, but David Hill discovered at least 50 bats in his attic. Since David falls into that small category of people who haven’t encountered a huge flock of animals in his home, he decided to find help. He called bat men. The company sent a few guys to take care of the situation, and when they arrived, the story began escalating hilariously.

Hill had a lot of work that day, but the whole operation was so thrilling, he couldn’t walk away from it. To our delight, he had also documented it in an amusing Twitter thread. Not only did he perfectly describe what was going on, the man also conducted a mini interview with the bat men about their daily adventures and the nature of their heroic work. Scroll down to check out the entire thing and let us know what you think about it in the comments.

More info: Twitter

David Hill was just going about his life when over 50 bats decided to turn it upside down

People were incredibly pleased to read David’s incredible story

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