Trending Now - I Added Animals To Bad Stock Photos (32 Pics)

I work in marketing, so I see a lot of stock photos. I thought it would be fun to add animals and descriptions to some of the strange images I found.

So I did that, every day during the month of May.

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Gerald had been feeding the gator for years, never once thinking it odd that it lived at a park, in Vermont

Image credits: austindlight

Another triple bogey. Derrick was starting to question the authenticity of his caddy’s experience

Image credits: austindlight

“I can’t help it if people want to keep buying me drinks.” “If you get tipsy and fall off, you’re on your own.” Ladies night was not going well for Sarah and her new roommate

Image credits: austindlight

Normally Peepers wouldn’t mind sitting in the park with Angela while she sulked, but this was her fifth break up in a month. Also, it was already Thursday and he still hadn’t watched this week’s Westworld

Image credits: austindlight

“Wait! Stop! That is not how you’re supposed to do VR!” No one ever listened to Henry

Image credits: austindlight

“What are ya looking at?” “I swear to god, Jerome, if you put mayonnaise on my slide again…”

Image credits: austindlight

And there she went, favoring Bryce’s plan again. Reggie knew it was a bad idea to let Susan’s son join the gang

Image credits: austindlight

It was on their third date, when there was zero percent chance of rain, that Seymour realized Anaya wasn’t joking about taking her umbrella everywhere

Image credits: austindlight

“So it looks like you drank…your entire mini bar…every day of your five day stay.” “Yeah…Sandy can really hold her liquor”

Image credits: austindlight

Horatio noticed his customers were far more likely to buy if they had to physically carry him around the lot while they shopped. His human coworkers saw less success with this approach

Image credits: austindlight

“Seriously Karen!?”

Image credits: austindlight

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for trying to ride you at my brother’s Kentucky Derby party.” It wasn’t the first time Zack had heard this apology

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“You know my trunk is like a built in selfie stick right?” “Yeah, but…sometimes your trunk is wet, so…” “Just take the stupid picture Ted”

Image credits: austindlight

“I keep scaring you, I’m sorry. I can ask the principal to give you a new locker buddy”

Image credits: austindlight

Even the pigeons? This was the last time Antonio trusted his roommate on fashion

Image credits: austindlight

“Now, just loosen the nut I’m shining my light on. Jessica, are you paying attention? Where’s your other glove?”

Image credits: austindlight

Most humans choose flight, not fight, when seeing a snake, which is why Mortimer was wholly unprepared to meet Allie, who chose both

Image credits: austindlight

“Okay, apply these drops to your ears and then apply this Koala to a eucalyptus tree.” “What?” “I’m just reading what your doctor wrote lady”

Image credits: austindlight

“We made eye contact while I put my headphones on, and he’s STILL talking?” Greg was starting to wonder if the rhino had ever worked in an office before

Image credits: austindlight

Busted again. Rachel was NOT a fan of her new step dad

Image credits: austindlight

“Oh…uh, don’t worry. I’m actually a very talented chef. I’m, uhh, here to make you better at cooking or whatever.” Larry chuckled. It was astonishing how many humans fell for this

Image credits: austindlight

What does the fox say? “Joe, the saw! Eyes on the saw!”

Image credits: austindlight

The ref checked the rules and the Blue Tornadoes’ coach was right: there was nothing in there about swans, or flying

Image credits: austindlight

Jeff knew he should be happy for the work, but these toddler birthday parties were embarrassing

Image credits: austindlight

“I’m telling you man, a couple of tranquilizers, a cozy spot in the cargo bay-its the best way to fly”

Image credits: austindlight

Was Ed really going to let Mark take the fall for maxing out Julie’s credit card on Fortnite v-bucks? Yes. Yes he was

Image credits: austindlight

“I SAID, ‘OF COURSE I HAVE A BACKUP, I’M A HEDGEHOG.’ GET IT? HEDGE.” Pete was convinced the problem with his jokes was the volume, not the content. He just needed to project more, that was all

Image credits: austindlight

“Boy this really hits the spot, thanks for sharing. Hey, I mentioned that my saliva is super toxic right? No? Oh… you’ll probably be fine”

Image credits: austindlight

This wasn’t the first time the producers of The Jersey Shore were unsure about a new cast member

Image credits: austindlight

Little known fact about platypuses: they LOVE capitalism. Those critters are super good at business

Image credits: austindlight


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Sure, Clyde only averaged about two strokes per race, but by god, he made them count

Image credits: austindlight

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