Trending Now - 11+ Then & Now Pics That Show How People From Famous Memes Look Like Now
Imagine the worst school photo or prom picture that’s in your family photo album, now imagine that photo album is the internet. Well, that’s what life has been like for the famous faces behind our favorite hilarious memes. Luckily, while the internet may not be a place that forgets, it does give chances for redemption.
Remember faces like ‘side-eyeing Chloe’ and ‘bad luck Brian’ well, they are all grown-up. From hilarious to downright awkward, the expressions these ‘celebrities’ made are forever immortalized on the web, but now so are their transformations. Just like a fine wine, most of these stars have gotten better over time. And even though they are older now, these funny faces are still quite recognizable (don’t worry the ridiculously photogenic guy is still ridiculously photogenic). Scroll down below to see your favorite meme celebrities then and now and don’t forget to upvote your favs!
Bad Luck Brian (Kyle Craven)
Overly Attached Girlfriend (Laina Morris)
Image credits: Laina
Success Kid (Sam Griner)
Image credits: Sam Griner
Ermahgerd (Maggie Goldenberger)
Image credits: Maggie Goldenberger
Scumbag Steve (Blake Boston)
Image credits: BlakeBoston617
Hipster Barista (Dustin Mattson)
Image credits: DustinColeMmm
Disaster Girl (Zoe Roth)
Image credits: zoeroth
Disaster Girl (Zoe Roth)
Image credits: zoeroth
Blinking White Guy (Drew Scanlon)
Image credits: drewscanlon
Side-Eyeing Chloe (Chloe)
Image credits: Lily & Chloe Official
First World Problems (Silvia Bottini)
Image credits: silviabottini_
Trying to Hold a Fart Next to a Cute Girl in Class (Michael McGee)
Image credits: aaduk_ala
Image credits: kabosumama
Grumpy Cat
Image credits: Cataliades
yo dawg (Alvin Nathaniel Joiner)
Image credits: xzibit
The Most Interesting Man in the World (Jonathan Goldsmith)
Image credits: Jonathan Goldsmith
good luck charlie (Mia Talerico)
Image credits: Mia Talerico
Ridiculously Photogenic Guy (Zeddie Smith)
Image credits: watkins_little