Trending Now - Someone Shows Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ Date From The Girl’s Perspective, And Twitter Users Are In Tears

Michael Jackson’s Thriller is a 14-minute horror-themed music video that was released in 1983, but comedian Roy Wood Jr. recently found a way to view it in a way nobody has likely thought of before. “What if ‘Thriller’ actually happened & Michael Jackson’s date Ola Ray tweeted about [it] the next day,” Roy rhetorically asked his 156 followers on the social network. He then proceeded “narrating” the events as if he was the girl, and people couldn’t get enough of it. Scroll down to check out the hilarious homage to the classic that was the MTV’s first world premiere video, and let us know in the comments if you’d go out on a second date after one like this.

More info: roywoodjr.comTwitter

Even though Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ is 35 years old, but one comedian has just come up with a hilarious way to watch it as if you haven’t seen it before

People were having the best time while reading it

Image credits: EricLMcDaniel

Image credits: SusanStone12

Image credits: ReignOfApril

Image credits: katienolan

Image credits: Normanilite7

Image credits: Jocey2003

Image credits: hatchjenn

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