Trending Now - The Way This Guy Reacts To Learning That His Date Had Cancer Is So Stupid, It’s Unbelievable

Instead of taking this story as a sign that humanity is devolving, think of it as proof that you’re its advanced counterpart. Reddit user lemonlimetotallyfine was dating a guy, and everything seemed well. Until she decided to open up a bit more. You see, she had cancer, has been in remission for six and a half years now and even though she’s cured, the illness still casts a shadow over her. This confession, however, wasn’t something her date was expecting. And his reaction wasn’t something she was expecting, either. Basically, the guy demanded proof that he won’t catch it. Articles by the American Cancer Society, saying that cancer is NOT contagious weren’t enough, too. Scroll down to check out how the ridiculous exchange unfolded and let us know what you think about it in the comments.

A healthy person can’t “catch” cancer from someone who has it, and let’s hope the same goes for stupidity

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