Trending Now - Mom Of Four Hilariously Illustrates What It’s Like To Have Kids In 14+ Honest Illustrations

Life as a parent can be hectic, but mother of four Kayela Larson has found a creative outlet for the chaos. Larson creates charming illustrations that depict life as a mother and all the humorous craziness that comes with it.

The artist’s love of art and animation was born from classic Disney movies like the Little Mermaid and The Lion King and continued to be a passion throughout her life. After college, she started a family and had kids and time for art slowly crept away. Larson said that the flame reignited one night at the kitchen table after a particularly rough day, “I decided I needed to engage myself in something that made me feel the most like me,” she wrote.

A passion that was once calming and cathartic felt awkward and foreign to her, “Staring at my ugly attempt of a portrait, I decided that “artist” was one part of my identity that I wasn’t quite ready to give up yet. I guess that was the wake-up call I needed because I immediately got to work.”

As is evident in her work Larson regained her confidence and fine-tuned her style. She now uses life to fuel her art with hilarious comics. Scroll down below to check out her work!

More Info: Instagram | Website


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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

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Image credits: kayelas_art

mom comics

Image credits: kayelas_art

mom comics

Image credits: kayelas_art

mom comics

Image credits: kayelas_art

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