Trending Now - This Call Center Employee Shared One Of The Best Calls He’s Ever Received

Customers spit out a lot of stupid things, but on occasions rarer than the passing of the Halley’s Comet, they say something wonderful too. Ryan Shipley is one of those lucky customer service specialists who had the pleasure of having a nice conversation with a client, and it was so awesome, he decided to share it online.

Right from the beginning, he noticed this 73-year-old wasn’t a typical grandma. And sure enough! Ryan was talking to an elderly gamer who had to take care of a few… things before she could proceed with the call. “I didn’t understand most of what she was talking about, “Ryan wrote. “I just kept jotting down references she made.”

Her dungeon motives aside, granny also revealed the heartwarming reason why she got into computer games in the first place. Scroll down to check out their exchange and tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Customer service specialist Ryan Shipley has had an experience his colleagues are probably very jealous of

Some people were skeptical of the whole thing


While others shared similar stories about elderly gamers



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