[Amazing] I Tested the Oculus Rift — and Yes, It’s as Awesome as It Sounds!

Did you know the idea of virtual reality has been around for over a century? Well, that’s if you count stereoscopic photos and viewers.  Do you remember the promise of VR back in the 90’s? It was going to be the next big thing. We had things come out like Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, and even SEGA attempted to take a crack at it with their SEGA VR Headset (which never left the prototype phase).

We were all so ready for the future. Well, now that future is here; systems like the HTC Vive, PSVR, and Oculus Rift have been available to the public for a couple years now, and, spoiler alert, they’re incredible! I actually purchased my own Oculus Rift just over a year ago. So now with a year of use under my belt, let me tell you why the Oculus Rift is just as good as it sounds, if not better.

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