[Amazing] Math is Stupid…or Is It? How to Get Your Students to Fall in Love with Math!
As a parent or a teacher, I’m sure you’ve heard time and time again your child say, “Math is stupid!” They tense up, shut down, and disengage from doing their homework. They might say other things like “I just don’t have a math mind,” or “I’ll never use any of this in real life.” If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.
So many students struggle with math and buy into these myths. It’s frustrating to see them struggle, especially when you have no idea how to help them overcome it. Most of the time you’re probably just hoping you can help them barely pass so they don’t have to worry about it anymore. I know the struggle. I was one of those kids growing up, and I’m one of those parents right now. The good news is you don’t have to settle or succumb to your child’s frustration with math. I went from hating math as a kid to overcoming my math anxiety and loving it. If I can do it, you can get your students to love math, too!
Now more than any other time, math related materials abound online. From YouTube videos to math games, teachers, parents, and students have a wide variety of math resources at their disposal. So, why aren’t kids better at math today than ever before? Turns out, you can have all the resources in the world and some of your students still won’t want anything to do with math. So, how do you help them have a positive attitude and fall in love with math?
It’s not as hard as it sounds. If you make a few simple changes to your approach, it could mean radically changing their perspective and becoming a math lover in no time. So, get your notepad ready, here are several ways to help your child love math.
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