Trending Now - Co-Worker Ruined This Woman’s Birthday Party, So She Decided To Throw One For Herself

Birthdays are the only time of the year when you get a chance to feel truly special. Even though some enjoy a bit of privacy, others like to be treated like royals during their day of the year. And it’s totally understandable, we should all put at least the tiniest amount of effort to wish our friends and co-workers a Happy Birthday, after all a little bit of love can make a huge difference!

Recently, one Imgur user shared a story about how nobody at work wished her Happy Birthday

People quickly jumped to suggest she should throw a party herself

After reading the comments she decided to take some action

Later AppleDarling posted an update

“After that day I just wanted to leave work, ended up scratching my car on a tree trying to just get out of there :( When I got home the cupcake I did grab for myself after handing them out, made the funniest flop out my car door falling perfectly upside down making the funniest plopping sound. I laughed. Some days are just like that. “

“Apparently, some women in another department heard what happened, and decided today to surprise me for a belated birthday work day. Made me feel a lot better about everything knowing I have some ladies who have my back here.”

“As for the female co-worker, I think she felt bad after it all became apparent. Today she brought me hotchocolate and pepermint shnoops.”

“Also THANK YOU!!! Everyone who gave me ideas on how to handle the situation and wished me happy birthday, You all are AMAZING.”

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