Trending Now - Guy Writes Down Every Time His Wife Refuses Him Sex, Sends It To Her After She Leaves For A Work Trip

Marriage isn’t easy and everyone one of us heard the saying ‘marriage is work’ at least once. And yes, once the honeymoon stage is over, it’s not so easy to maintain a fulfilling and wholesome relationship, but there must be certain red flags that obviously show that the relationship isn’t working the way it should be. If so, what are those red flags? Is lack of romance and intimacy a red flag? What about a passive-aggressive excel spreadsheet displaying all of the days you refused to sleep with your partner?

One wife took social media to share a letter she received from her husband before leaving on a work trip

Image credits: Sophia Louise (not the actual photo)

The excel sheet he attached displayed all the times he was trying to be intimate with her but she refused

This post quickly received a lot of attention online with people having all sorts of different reactions to it.

While some were not in the mood to support the husband

Other’s tried to find a solution to their problem

And some were in the complete support of the husband

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