Trending Now - People Are Cracking Up At This Hilarious Brexit Explanation For Dummies

Brexit has, utterly predictably, descended into farce. The world looks on scratching its head while the British, people formerly known for their stoic pragmatism, engage in an epic episode of national self-harm based largely on delusions of grandeur, nostalgia for days past and barely concealed mistrust of ‘Johnny Foreigner.’

However, despite the absolute shitshow that is currently unfolding, the Brits haven’t forgotten one of their more positive national characteristics. Bitingly dark and cynical humor is a reflex response to crisis so while their government continues to blunder from one humiliation to the next, people try to see the bright side by at least having a laugh about it.

Hugo Rifkind, son of a conservative politician and columnist of The Times, came up with an amusing analogy on Twitter recently, comparing Brexit to a ‘Cheese Submarine.’ The thread highlights the absurd self-delusion that Brexiters have been engaged in over the past couple of years, and it went viral because it is true, in the comically-tragic kind of way that Brits just really relate to.

The responses to Rifkind’s thread were even better though. Everyone loves a good pun, don’t they? Cheese and its many different varieties lends itself well to a social media pun showdown, and ricotta say, people didn’t disappoint! Scroll down to check them all out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!

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Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

Image credits: hugorifkind

People responded with some hilariously cheesy comments

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