[Amazing] 25 Weirdest Fears and Phobias You Never Expected

Let’s face it, humans are fragile and can have some of the weirdest fears and phobias. We live in a dangerous world. Pretty much anything can cause us to shuffle off our mortal coil. That’s just in regards to our physical bodies, but we seem pretty emotionally fragile. At least, if I am to believe half the stuff I read on Twitter. So maybe it’s time to reevaluate the word phobia.
It’s almost always defined as an irrational fear. However, maybe no fear is truly without merits. If that’s the case, then this list can be read as a survival guide of sorts. And if you happen to see a fear you already have, don’t think that makes you personally strange. It makes you smart. You’re prepared for something the rest of us haven’t considered. So, to make you as safe as possible, I present the 25 weirdest fears and phobias you never expected.

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