Trending Now - Drunk Neighbor Blocks This Woman’s Car With A Boulder, Forgets She’s A Badass Geologist
Some people are taking the piss without worrying too much about the consequences of their actions. Well, sometimes, if your aim isn’t on point, the piss bounces back. Just saying. Melissa Scruggs is a California woman who recently woke up to a giant boulder blocking her car. Her drunk neighbors made sure it would. But they probably forgot that Melissa is a volcanologist. She literally studies rocks, currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the field as well. If anyone knows what to do when stuck between a rock and a hard place it’s her. Scroll down to check out the savage revenge plan she developed and executed, teaching her neighbors the perfect lesson: don’t piss off a geologist.
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Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
People wanted to know more about the story, and Melissa indulged them
Image credits: IWasLeftBehind
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: DukeOfHavoc
Image credits: crazyredranting
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: lizwizCYLS
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: NotMYRep
Image credits: SuprmomcatCathy
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: AaronChapman_
Image credits: VolcanoDoc
Image credits: VolcanoDoc