Trending Now - Netflix Makes Unfortunate Mistake On Marie Kondo’s Promo Pic, Internet And Chrissy Teigen Make The Best Of It
This year Netflix introduced Marie Kondo and her “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” to the unread masses (her book came out in 2010 people), but due to a glitch or bored hacker, her recent Netflix promo pic makes the “sparking joy” method seem a bit aggressive.
In the show, Kondo comes to the homes of hopeless packrats to teach her organization method inspired by Shintoism. The energetic organizer transforms each space with the adage of keeping only items that bring joy, which made her ‘new promo’ all the more hysterical. In a confused tweet, etiquette expert William Hanson tweeted out a photo of the Marie Kondo “Tidying Up” home screen wondering if perhaps her tactics had intensified. Well, of course, Twitter went crazy at the hilarious juxtaposition of sweet, cheery, 4’7″ Marie and the image of a gunman that appeared on her homepage, even grabbing the attention of one of our favorite tweeting celebs. Scroll down below to see the mayhem that ensued.
Marie Kondo has grabbed the hearts of Netflix viewers with her tidying-up method – But one user noticed something was off about her homepage
Image credits: Marie Kondo
Image credits: williamhanson
People were quick to laugh at the mistake
Image credits: Just_fionna
Image credits: nataliepayer
Image credits: Westmo23
Even Chrissy Teigen responded
Image credits: chrissyteigen
Image credits: chrissyteigen
Image credits: iAmTheWarax
Image credits: MsPingel
Image credits: StevenSankey88
Image credits: Kel_inthecube
Image credits: yorkdukeyork
Image credits: WeirdHelga
Image credits: georgehank
Image credits: richdavisphd
Turns out, Neflix messed up some other promos too
Image credits: LardFDorkness
Image credits: peppermintJ3ss
Image credits: selmashutup
Image credits: DuckFan83