Trending Now - This Dog Was Taken Away From Owners Who Kept Him In Horrible Conditions Gets A Forever Home

After receiving a complaint about a mistreated animal, the volunteers of a small animal shelter “Naminukai” based in Vilnius, Lithuania rushed to the rescue. However, once they arrived, the volunteers were not prepared to witness the awful neglect the puppy had endured. The young shar-pei mixed breed dog was chained outside in freezing weather next to some trash bins.

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She was surrounded by feces, trash, obviously malnourished, covered in bald spots and blind in one eye.

The owners of the dog didn’t even give her fresh water, instead, they put out a dirty bowl with frozen water

The sight of this mistreated animal horrified everyone, except the owners who felt indifferent to the dog and had no intentions of improving the conditions she was held in.

There was no way volunteers of the shelter could leave her there any longer, as chances of her surviving the winter were very slim. They took the dog with them and named her Barsa. This was the moment that changed Barsa’s life forever.

Barsa received all the care she needed to help her recover. The kindhearted employees of the local clinic offered to give Barsa eye surgery for free.

This touching gesture helped her to regain sight and enjoy her new life. It didn’t take long for this beautiful dog to find a forever home.

A lovely family took her in, giving Barsa all the love, warmth and care she deserves! And if you would like to help animal shelter “Naminukai” continue rescuing animals just like Barsa, you can send them a donation via PayPal here

Watch the video of Barsa’s rescue operation below

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